Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Spring on the Western Front

The maddest of mad ideas - a day trip to Belgium!

We left home with a glimmer of light in the eastern sky and after breakfast in the tunnel were in Calais before 9.30am!  A quick whizz round Carrefour and we had some munchies for lunch, and all those essentials that are so much better value in France.  Another hour and we were on the outskirts of Ypres.

So different in the Springtime.  What would have been a bleak place ten weeks ago, was now pretty and peaceful.

The daffodils were gone, but tulips and irises had taken their place.

All around was colour and softness

Too soon it was time to head back to Ypres for fantastic steak, salad and frites followed by pancakes - tell me, what is wrong with jam and cream?!

Tired (15,000 steps), wind and sun burned we headed back to Blighty - planning our next trip as we went.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Peace & Quiet on the Western Front

Four people, four days, 34 cemeteries and many thousands of graves.

Large cemeteries with thousands of graves

or small ones with only a handful - it's hard to say which are more moving.

Row after row of identical stones.

Graves of those who were decorated for their bravery

And graves of those whose punishment needed its own kind of bravery.

The Cross of Sacrifice with the downturned sword showing the battle is over.

And the Stone of Remembrance whose inscription says it all.

And still we've only scratched the surface - we've not even finished Ypres yet.  Our journey of remembrance has some distance to go.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Spring Offensive

At long last I can feel the spring is coming!  Waiting for the train this evening, it was light!  The air was much milder, the sun was poking through - and my spirits lifted!

And we're off on a sortie next week - Wilf and me, Gladys and Ernie are off to Ypres to carry on with our battlefield tour.  Dispatches to follow.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Snow Fest

So much snow!  It just doesn't seem to have stopped this week!  This was Tuesday evening

By Thursday we had a whole heap more

My poor rosemary bush was drooping under the weight!

The ruler doesn't lie!

But, by Friday it was even worse.  We woke up to nearly as much again!

The road was only just passable

Eventually the sky cleared and the sun set in a blaze of glory.  And the whole jolly lot froze!!!