Friday, 13 February 2009

Spring Offensive

At long last I can feel the spring is coming!  Waiting for the train this evening, it was light!  The air was much milder, the sun was poking through - and my spirits lifted!

And we're off on a sortie next week - Wilf and me, Gladys and Ernie are off to Ypres to carry on with our battlefield tour.  Dispatches to follow.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Snow Fest

So much snow!  It just doesn't seem to have stopped this week!  This was Tuesday evening

By Thursday we had a whole heap more

My poor rosemary bush was drooping under the weight!

The ruler doesn't lie!

But, by Friday it was even worse.  We woke up to nearly as much again!

The road was only just passable

Eventually the sky cleared and the sun set in a blaze of glory.  And the whole jolly lot froze!!!